
Causes Of Good And Evil In Confessions

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For years, people have continuously tried to figure out the causes of good and evil without settling on just one theory. And it makes sense as to why people would want to find the root of all good and evil, given that throughout mankind, good and evil has been prominent with figures representing both sides. From Hitler to Mother Teresa, we see two very distinct sides of the spectrum. There’s Hitler who is responsible for the death of millions of Jewish people. Led by racism, he was a ruthless killer and was also was the main cause for WWII. However, on the other side, there’s Mother Teresa, a nun and missionary who spent her whole life to helping the disadvantaged. Plato, Augustine, and The Manicheans were just three of many philosophers who came up with ideas regarding good and evil. In Phaedrus, Plato talks about the idea of a dual-natured soul but Augustine, in Confessions, challenges that idea; Plato also describes the qualities of evil which Augustine transforms to fit in with his own beliefs in Christianity. The Manicheans talk about the journey from good to evil being led by external forces and Augustine challenges that idea, as he takes on a more internal viewpoint. Star Wars IV: A New Hope, is a movie which has parts of each of the three ideas, however the one I found to be more prominent in this particular episode was the Platonian philosophy, represented by the character Han Solo.
When it comes to the idea of the dual-natured soul, Plato believes that humans have

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