
Causes Of Resistance To Slavery

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Resistance to slavery took many forms in the Old South, from occasional rebellious uprising to individual acts of defiance. “The most widespread expression of hostility to slavery was “day-to-day resistance” or “silent sabotage”—doing poor work, breaking tools, abusing animals, and in other ways to disrupting the plantation routine” (Foner 434). Stealing food was also another common form of resistance, so common that a southern physician diagnosed it as a hereditary disease that was unique to blacks. But the most dangerous and serious crime that the slaves committed, but does not happen frequently, was poisoning and armed assault against individual whites. The Stono Rebellion in 1739, Gabriel’s Rebellion in 1800, Denmark Vesey’s conspiracy in 1822 and Nat Turner’s Rebellion in 1831 are the most important rise of the rebellion in American history. Nat Turner’s Rebellion was the last large-scale rebellion and it sent shock waves through the entire south. “But a proposal to commit the state to gradual emancipation and the removal of the black population from the state failed to win legislative approval. The measure gained overwhelming support in the western part of Virginia, where slaves represented less than 10 percent of the population, but failed to win sufficient votes in the eastern counties where slavery was centered” (Foner 439). Instead of taking a step towards freedom, the Virginia legislature of 1832, decided to tighten the chains of bondage. The new laws prohibited

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