
Causes Of The American Revolution

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Causes of the American RevolutionThe American Revolution had many significant causes that paved the way for the United States becoming a nation. Most significant event include taxation after the 7 Years Wars, mini-battles before the war and the Intolerable Acts also had an impact on the colonist’s rage against Britain. The colonist’s representation was taken away and caused outrage. The Sons of Liberty were a Patriot militia group formed to start protests, and to show that the colonists were in charge. The American Revolution was needed for the United States to become a reality. The colonies were unjustly taxed following the French and Indian War. The colonists were being taxed on various items without the British consulting anyone. This caused anger from citizens who weren’t used to paying taxes, as it was a direct consequence of causing the French and Indian War this was because of the fact that Britain thought the colonists deserved punishments for causing an unneeded war. Of course, the colonists didn’t feel like the taxes were constitutional so they created the Sons of Liberty to attack the tax collectors. The Sons of Liberty were acting as a militia group against the Loyalists, doing work for the King. The British law were not supporters of the Sons of Liberty which destroyed the trust that anyone from the Loyalist side ever had and making people either join the Patriots in fear or not wanting to be responsible for the death and torture of others. The colonists also

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