
Causes Of The Industrial Revolution

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In the years leading up to the industrial revolution Europe went through a scientific revolution. During this time scholars such as Isaac Newton, Christopher Wren, and Galileo Galilei discovered laws of the natural world and contributed inventions and discoveries to the common wealth of the continent. The exchange of new ideas and technologies meant that Europe would become revitalized with growth and new culture. As new technologies were developed in Europe; Britain started on their track to become a global super power. Britain would become the clear winner of the industrial revolution because of advancements in technology and their global presence. Prior to the Industrial Revolution the New World was discovered. During this time Britain expanded its influence around the world. This led to trade routes being developed between numerous countries such as China, India, and the New World. Because of these new trades routes goods flowed all throughout Europe and Britain. Spices, slaves, and silks came from Africa and Asia while gold and silver came from the New World to finance trade and revitalize the economy. The connections to different countries would help cultivate and spread new ideas all over the world and specifically to Europe. Over time different discoveries would be coupled with other discoveries and used to create things never thought of before. In the 1780’s James Watt developed the steam engine which was critical in the industrial revolution. The steam engine

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