
Causes of the 1905 Revolution

Decent Essays

The 1905 revolution in Russia began when armed forces set fire on a group of peaceful protestors outside the Tsar's Winter Palace in St. Petersburg. However there were many factors in the build-up to revolution in 1905. Prior to 1905, disturbances in Russia could have been seen as quite rare. Russia was though suffering from a long period of repression and unrest. From the implementation of tsarism in Russia, the regimes had slowly developed into more of an autocratic establishment which implemented it's will onto the people with lesser regard for human life and liberty. Since the 1860's there had been gradual changes in governmental, legal, social and economic policy implemented, however the political system was left unchanged. …show more content…

The majority of the protestors did not have a chance. This event was the spark for many further revolutionary activities by different groups which culminated in the 1905 revolution.

The mood prior to the 1905 revolution in Russia was a quiet but angry one. The peasants and workers situation was slowly worsening, only made worse by bad harvest and economic reforms implemented by the tsarist government which left the poor even poorer. The tsarist regime had always been, but was becoming more and more repressive and undemocratic. The choice to go to war with Japan had initially been perceived as a good one but as a result of the severe losses the tsar and his regime was seen to be incompetent and all morale in the government and the army was lost. All these causes led to the eventual revolution of

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