
Causes of the American Civil War Essay

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Many economic and political factors lie behind the cause of the American Civil War. Among such causes, the issue of slavery is raised repeatedly. Many men and women sacrificed all that they had in opposition to the evils of slavery. Through these hardships comes the inspiration for such an epic of American literature as Uncle Tom's Cabin, by Harriet Beecher Stowe. Her novel, a stirring indictment of slavery, truly captures the scathing realities of life in the south for a black slave. As well, the true story of Harriet Tubman, outlined in a stunning biography by Sarah Bradford – Harriet Tubman: The Moses of Her People – is a story of an individual's battle against the atrocities placed upon them by the issues surrounding slavery. Both …show more content…

The life of Harriet Tubman is a true story, offering a piece of inspiration to all of humanity. Rising above the confinements of her southern home on a cotton plantation, Harriet flees to unknown territories in the hopes of preserving her human dignity. This in itself is an extremely intrepid challenge. Tubman, however, continually returns to the south (a total of nineteen times), bringing back to Canada approximately 300 slaves. Once she was free, she did not have to return. The fact remains, however, she could not bear the thought of others living in such conditions. As a result, Tubman exceeds all boundaries of courage, becoming a role model to the southern black community and a hero to the abolitionist movement. Uncle Tom's Cabin is a remarkable tale of how one individual overcame the many stereotypes that black slaves are faced with, becoming a role model to all those around him. Uncle Tom is a placid, docile man, who although has limited opportunity, strives to gain knowledge and intelligence. He wants it to be clear to everyone that he is not a dirty slave. Many would continue to see him as merely a slave, not allowing him to have any equal opportunities in which he deserves. Despite this, Uncle Tome proves that he too can be dignified and respected. In doing so Uncle Tom becomes the ideal of a brave man to any

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