
Cedaw Women's Rights

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Although many places in the world have made many advancements in granting women rights equivalent to those of men, there are still far too many places that refuse to recognize that women’s rights is still an issue, and an important one at that. Many developing countries in the world have caused outrage in the population of women as a whole and rifts in society and its social order. Worldwide, people are done with the fact that women are still not treated as equals. Although advancements have been made for the population of women globally in places like the US, Canada, and many parts of Europe; many developing countries throughout the world have refrained from allowing women equal opportunity politically, economically, and culturally. …show more content…

However, even with the existence of the CEDAW for over three decades, women still have yet to be empowered in parts of the developing world, which gives way to the road that still needs to be taken to achieve gender equality. In the United States (U.S.) students, kindergarten through 12th grade, are taught about the barriers that women faced early on in society and a group of women who fought against those barriers to grant themselves the rights they have today. The US was founded under the hopes of living the “American Dream:” a patriarchal society where men provided for the family and women were the homemakers. However, in 1998 the US celebrated the 150th anniversary of women’s rights in which historically famous women, like Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, fought to change the ideal of the “American Dream” that the US continuously thrived upon since birth. The women’s rights movement in the US brought more women into the workforce, …show more content…

In the U.S. women make up almost half of the work force and 40% of women are the bread winner of the family; yet, they still make 79 cents to every mans dollar. This is a gender wage gap of 21% and occurs in virtually every single occupation that offers a sufficient amount of earnings for the year. According to the World Economic Forum there is no country in the world where a women earns equally as much as a man and it will take over 50 years for that to even progress. Women in the work force in Italy and Israel don’t even make half as much as men do; however, one of the poorest countries in the world, Burundi, is the closest in women’s earnings equality to men sitting at 84%. Algeria, Iran, and Syria have the least amount of women in the workforce with only 20% of females who work outside of the home

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