
Celebral Palsy Essay

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Celebral Palsy Cerebral Palsy is a condition that affects thousands of infants each year. Though not contagious it does seem to be a mild epidemic. The condition is a paralysis of the brain, causing limited movement, speaking ability, or muscle control for the afflicted child. In most cases the brain is unable to relay the information required for movement. A permanent brain injury that occurs before, during or shortly after birth. Though once the injury has occurred it will not progress to a worse state. Unfortunately there currently isn't any form of cure though treatments will be covered later on. Some of the most prominent causes for CP are infections during pregnancy such as, …show more content…

We also have a 20% occurrence of mixed CP where in the afflicted child suffers from more then one symptom. (KH) However the most common form, afflicting a little more then half of the total patients is Spastic CP, in which muscles are too tight. Patience will have stiff and jerky movements and will often have a difficult time letting go of an object in there hand.(kh) Spastic Cp is also the only form divided into subcategories, such as Diplegia (which affects both arms or both legs), Hemiplegia (attacks limbs on one side of the body), Quadriplegia (affects all limbs), Monoplegia (effecting only one limb, though this is a rare event), and Triplegia (which effects three of the patients four limbs, also a rare case).(cpf) Some of the other difficulties brought on by CP can include, incontinence a deficiency of muscle control that keep the bladder closed. This infliction can take the form of bed-wetting, uncontrolled urination during physical activities, or the slow leaking of urine from the bladder. There are some possible medical treatments such as, special exercises, biofeedback, prescription drugs, surgery, or implanted devices to replace or aid muscles. Patients can also find specially designed undergarments to help with the situation. (NIH) Drooling can also be

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