
Celiac Essay

Decent Essays

Celiac is an autoimmune disease; meaning the immune system is attacking and destroying ones on health cells within the body mistakenly when eating gluten also known as a protein found in wheat, rye and barley. When consuming these types of food hard to absorb for people with this type of disorder. Once gluten is digests by an individual for the first time this can cause a reaction in a person immune system with these disease because the antibodies from gluten are invading by damaging the villi which are finger- shaped tissue lined in your small intestine in your digestive tract. The villi are what helps take in all the nutrients from the food we eat to allow our body to stay healthy and fight off diseases. Damage caused to the intestines makes it hard to absorb nutrients our body requires such as; calcium, iron, fat and folate. Improper absorption of these nutrients can lead to other medical problems. This condition is a chronic autoimmune disease; which means it is not something you can get rid of overtime, but proper diagnosis and treatment can help.
Many people are unaware of this disease because of it …show more content…

The only true cure to this lifelong disease is a firm diet with no gluten. “The lesions of the small intestinal mucosa; are secondary to a permanent intolerance to gluten” (Bhand, Shaikh, Korejo &Raza 275). No gluten at all is the only real solution doctors have come up with as a treatment for Celiac Disease which has been proven to have beneficial effects on histology and serology testing gathered from further research (Ramin161). By a gluten free diet we are talking about one without foods which contain wheat, rye, and barley which may be found in bread and beer. The slightest ingestion of gluten like crumbs from a cutting board or toaster can still cause small intestinal damage

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