
Censorship Awakening

Decent Essays

The book Censorship: Opposing Viewpoints edited by Andrea Nakaya explores opposing viewpoints and arguments made by different authors. It provides several arguments for and against my research paper. It helped me define what my opposing views are so I will know which arguments to present to make my point. The book has four chapters, contains 26 different articles and book excerpts in addition to the introduction and chapter prefaces which provides background material. The articles in each chapter are opinions of the individual authors, arguing for or against censorship of social, political and economic issues. Among these different chapters I chose the title above about government regulation because it is related to one of my sub topic in the research project paper. It supports my argument that “regulation” has become one of the most common tool used to restrict media freedom around the world.
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In the article "Government Regulation of Broadcasters Is a Threat to Freedom" Adam Thierer asserts that the government should not censor broadcast media. Thierer points out that by restricting media in the name of protecting children, the government is also unnecessarily and unconstitutionally censoring what millions of adults are exposed to. He argues that parents should be the ones to impose censorship on children, not the federal government. Thierer appeals that even if the lawmakers have the best interests of children in mind, for some, this kind of decision might be taken as an offense. Mainly because of the notion that government officials must do this kind of parenting job for every American family. Thierer concludes, by asking parents to stand up and tell the government to stay out of their business. He calls for parents to get down to the serious business of educating their children and not to depend on government for

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