
Censorship In North Korea

Decent Essays

The Newseum in Washington D.C. is a great way to learn how the news was created and has been censored. Among the four exhibits I went to to, the World News Gallery, Berlin Wall exhibit, News History Gallery, and the Internet, TV, and Radio Gallery, I found a common theme throughout them. All four exhibits display how news changes based on time and country, and how freedom of speech is squandered more times than not.
The US is one of the most free countries when it comes to censorship and free press, Finland being the most free out of all of the countries. At the Newseum in Washington, D.C., the World News Gallery consists of a giant map on a wall awashed in red, yellow, and green. The US was covered in green, including Iceland, Greenland, Canada, …show more content…

North Korea filters information through a network to only let acceptable information into their country. Factors that contribute to the restrictions of North Korea’s press might be that they are so close the South Korea, and don’t want their people seeing what is happening in South Korea, or they have fabricated some sort of alternative universe in North Korea to blind it’s citizens from the real world. But this isn’t the first time two places have been split by a wall, whether it be technological or …show more content…

The Berlin Wall divided East and West Berlin, trapping East Berlin with Communist Party media, and giving free press to West Berlin. At the Berlin Wall exhibit at the Newseum, there is a portion of the wall there for viewing. The west side is covered in bright colors and graffiti and the east side is bare concrete. West Berlin and the countries overseeing West Berlin, the United States, Britain, and France, started flowing news through West Berlin’s radio and television to East Berlin. “In 1946, the United States launched Radio in the American Sector, a popular radio station operated by Germans in West Berlin” (Newseum, Berlin Wall). Citizens of East Berlin could receive these broadcasts and they increased the want for freedom from communism. People were escaping over to the wall and the West would document the reports and send them back over to East Berlin. The flow of news lead to the fall of the wall in the mid-1980s. The fall of the wall was the result of a resistance from West Berlin against East Berlin’s government restrictions in terms of reporting and receiving

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