
Cephalocaudal Principle Of Child Observation

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On September 12th, 2016, I traveled to St. Stephen’s Day School in Milledgeville, Georgia. I observed a four-year-old girl whose name was Autumn. I entered the facility through a door that led into a classroom. The classroom was full of bright, vibrant colors as well as many resources (toys, books) to help the children learn. Immediately after signing in, I was sent outside to choose the child I wanted to observe while they played with their peers. Autumn is a four-year-old blonde girl with blue eyes. Regarding the Cephalocaudal principle, which refers to the general pattern of physical and motor development and applies to both height and weight, she was of average height and weight. Her head was of normal size and her limbs were relative to the …show more content…

I observed collaborative play, but not collaborative pretend play. She did not pretend or fantasize scenarios or games with her peers. She did, however, play with her peers. She would run around the playground with them and they also played a few games of hide-and-go-seek. I did not observe gender-segregated play, which is play in which boys and girls associate only with members of their own sex. Despite there being few boys in the class, there was a little boy who engaged in one of the games of hide-and-go-seek. Autumn had a few friends that she played with on the playground. She and another little girl named Aspen played together on the monkey bars throughout the entire time I observed. Autumn seemed to be well liked by her peers that were around her. She was never hesitant to go up to anyone. Her peers did not seem hesitant to go up to her either. Since she and her peers were only four, I did not observe popularity concerns. Many of them differed in social status and they also did not seem to care. They all engaged in play back and forth with each other throughout the entire time they had playtime outside. Since Autumn was so easy going, I do not see her ever facing social

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