
Cerebral Palsy Definition Essay

Decent Essays

A Crippling Fate Imagine a life without the ability to walk, that's what my brother deals with everyday. He suffers from a condition called Cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is caused by brain damage before or during birth, resulting in a loss of voluntary muscle control and coordination (Cerebral palsy). This affected my brother's legs making him wheelchair bound for the rest of his life. One may think this was horrible, but with the disease there comes several other complications. When my brother was born he weighed two pounds seven ounces, combine his prematurity plus lack of oxygen and he got the disease. By the age of sixteen he had four major surgeries, including a medial hamstring lengthening. As a result of cerebral palsy his hamstrings were so tight he was unable to move them, this led to him having to have a procedure that would loosen and lengthen them. …show more content…

Doing this procedure relieved my brother's inability to relax his legs, but at the cost of being in extreme pain. The next few months were the hardest he would ever deal with. I can still envision coming home from school and hearing him scream in pain, this crushed me even at the tender age of ten. I may not of understood the severity of what was going on, but I knew that he had endured the worst of it and now was the good part, the part where he would be able to move more freely without agonizing pain. Dealing with these surgeries and the disease caused a ripple effect of how he had to be treated and taken care

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