
Challenges College Students Face

Decent Essays

Kalyn Pina
Professor Lall
English V01a
2 February 2015

Obama states “two in three jobs require higher education” (2012 speech). College may be the stepping stone to real life but there are too many challenges against the students. If we want them to succeed why is the system so complicated and expensive? Many college students end up in financial trouble due to being unprepared. Students often don’t have the right study skills going into college and that can hurt them. Some student is often not emotionally ready for college and struggle with the transition. Whether we are ready or not college is what we must invest in so we can peruse our education. College isn’t easy and students face many challenges like financial trouble, lack of …show more content…

Students that are not confident in their decision or they feel like that is they have to major in something they don’t like will most likely fail or change their major and have to start over. James in my V01 class said that his sister went to college to be a veterinarian but ended up changing her major half way through. Personally I have declared my major but now I am second guessing myself. I keep asking myself is this really what I want to do with my life. There is this unseen pressure to be successful and it all starts with picking a major and finding something that you love to do. You might change your mind multiple times before finding the right major. There are some students that have such an outgoing crazy lifestyle that it puts a strain on their coursework and they struggle to get everything done. Some students may fall into depression if they feel it is too much to handle and that there are so many students better than them.

College students have to deal with a lot and even though the university route may seem like the best way with the best education.. If prices continue to increase, less and less students are going to go to a university or college at all. The people that do go will be in thousands of dollars in debt and it will take years maybe even decades to pay everything back. If the prices don’t go down for tuition debt will skyrocket and students will become even more discouraged from going to a four year

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