
Challenges To Party Government Case Study

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Chapter 2: The Challenge to Party Government Issues that once sharply divided parties have now thinned on two levels. The first is the reduction of intense ideological polarization like anti-system parties, which threatened the principles of democracy. These parties have either gone wawa or moderated to be more acceptable, allowing for party alignment and partnership. Now the only options in voting are democratic. The second level of change occurred to politics that was in the mainstream. There is now a “dramatic policy see-saw” (50) in which newly elected leaders work hard at dismantling changes their predecessor set. Instead of the politics of party, the politics of depolarization has taken over, meaning decision making is passed to …show more content…

Parties mattered much more during the Golden Age of embedded liberalism from 1950 to 1970, where they were not restrained in shaping policy incomes that mattered to party members. That all changed in the 1990s with the rise of globalization. However it is not just the supply of partisanism that affects parties impact, but also what is demanded by the members themselves. As Manfred Schmidt said (55), the logic that “parties matter” falls on two core ideas: first that the constituents in constitutional democracies have distinctive preferences and want policies based on those preferences, and second is that the policies that political parties aim for are those that broadly mirror the wants of their social constituencies. Thus without members, parties cannot properly mirror policies.

Declining electoral cohesion
While traditional cleavages when it comes to voting remain present, their relative weight or importance has declined. Shifts in class voting are even more significant. Oddbjorn Knutsen’s study points to a large decline in class voting in western Europe since the 1970s. In response to these change in electoral preferences and loyalty, parties are becoming more catch-all, meaning they are becoming less polarized and trying to appeal to a more broad group of people. Because of this both voters and parties have become more

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