
Change In Leadership Research Paper

Decent Essays

Change surrounds us and is unrelenting. All a person needs to do is walk into an electronics store and survey all the new gadgets available for purchase. We are constantly bombarded by advertising and marketing telling us of the improvements and benefits of new products and services.

Reflecting back on the past and comparing 20 years ago to now, you find that some almost unbelievable changes have occurred. And you adapted well to those changes, didn't you?

When you are faced with change it is often an initial response to resist that change. You become comfortable with the old way, why mess up a good thing?

That resistance is an interesting phenomenon. Think of some change in your life that you are dreading and resisting. Write down all the reasons why you are hesitant to make that change. After you make that list, categorize each reason as being either emotional or rational. What did you find? …show more content…

They overwhelmingly find that they hesitate or resist making those changes because of EMOTIONAL reasons almost exclusively.

After they think about all the reasons why they should make the changes, they build a strong supporting RATIONAL case for making those changes.

Change is a constant in the Universe. From the beginning of time change has been there challenging everything that exists. Adapt, and what exists continues to evolve. Adapt not, and the species

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