
Change In Nicaragua

Decent Essays

Nicaragua, a country located in Central America between Costa Rica and Honduras, is known for its warm and humid climate, with the exception of its central highlands. Nicaragua has tropical wet-and- dry climate which means that it only has wet and dry seasons. With this being said, the wet season begins from May through October; whereas, the dry season begins from December through April. The country’s temperature in the lowlands is between “22 to 30 degrees Celsius, and in central Nicaragua, the temperature is five degrees cooler with the coolest temperature being in the mountains near ten degrees Celsius” (World Weather & Climate Information, 2015).
In regards to precipitation, Nicaragua receives heavy rainfall, especially during the wet …show more content…

These factors contributed to economic, social and natural bases degradation of the country (pg 1).” According to authors McDaniel, Byrne and Byrne, Nicaragua is one of the poorest countries where the people make a living by fishing and agriculture. However, “Agriculture plays a significant role in the country’s economy accounting for 21.5% of value added GDP and employs nearly 47% of the country’s population (10). Also not only climate change threatens agriculture, but negatively impacts rural households (11). Many About Nicaragua’s economy, Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) reports that the country is one the “poorest” countries of Central America. Coffee beans are mainly Central America’s backbone of the Central Americans. For Nicaragua, it brings “fifth to a quarter of export revenues.” However due to climate change, it can worse affect coffee growing due to its sensitivity that can cause a heavy economic loss. In order for the country to adapt to this climate change, the government launched a National Adaptation Plan that will help coffee farmers adapt to climate change and to “diversify coffee based incomes. Also, CCAFS reports that the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) provided $24 million to assist the coffee farmers by providing technology to help poor famers adapt, improve, and increase incentives for

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