
Changes In Night By Elie Wiesel

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Over the course of the book, Night by Elie Wiesel. Elie changes mentally from being a regular boy with a little boy mindset to a grown man with a man mentality. This is important to the book as a whole because it connects to the life of jews and all the struggles they went trough. The change is apparent when they were rumors of them being transferred, when idek refused to leave him in the camp and also when his dad dies. At the start of the book when there were rumors of them being moved to somewhere in Hungary to work in the brick factories(pg16) Elie had to think/act like a grown man because it was very hard for them to transfer to the place they were going. In the book it says "My throat was dry and the words were choking me, paralyzing …show more content…

This shows that he had to change from being a little boy to a grown man protecting himself. From this event the reader can infer how hard things were for Elie and the jews During this time and why his mentality changed. This supports my argument that Elie went from being a little boy to a man. in the book it says "When I came down from my bunk after roll call, I could see his lips trembling; he was murmuring something, I remained more than an hour leaning over him, etching his bloody, broken face into my mind" (pg.112) This moment shows a very scary/tragic moment he encountered just because he is a jew. This moment changed him because the last word he said was Elie before dying. By providing the evidence the readers can infer how scary this event was for Elie; This supports the argument that these event changed Elie life and matured his mentality. Elie's change from a boy mentality to a man mentality is important to the work as a whole because it demonstrating how hard/difficult things wherefore jews especially young ones. It also shows how mis treated jews were during that

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