
Why Did Elie Wiesel Change

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Elie Wiesel changed when he was sent to Auschwitz. He was a happy boy, now he is a sad man. Why is this? Auschwitz was a terrible place. There was death chambers, and the people were worked to death. The camp was created to exterminate the Jewish race. Why did Elie change? He experienced terrible things. He saw people being burned, shot, tortured, gassed, and much more. As the book started, he was an innocent boy. He wanted to study more into his religion. He was a strong believer in the jewish religion. Why did that change throughout the book? While Elie was in Auschwitz, all of the terrible things he saw made him believe that god was not there for him. He even started to think, what if there was no god at all? If god were real, why would he just sit and watch this awful event happen? …show more content…

Elie probably was very much affected by all of his family being sent to this camp. Most, if not all of his family was killed. They were shot, gassed or killed using other methods. Knowing that almost everyone you knew since birth was thrown in a torture camp, then tortured until death must feel terrible.

Another reason that Elie questioned religion is that if god were real, why would god create such awful things such as nazis? Why would god let people create things like Auschwitz? THings such as this are so awful, how could god let them exist? This could also be another reason Elie was starting to lose faith in his religion.

Another factor is that Elie will now carry such awful memories with him for the rest of his life. He is now forced to live with such awful memories in his head. He cannot ever forget or change what he saw. For the rest of his life, he will live with memories of people being burned, thrown in gas chambers, shot, brutally tortured, shot, stabbed, and beaten. Carrying these memories for the remainder of Elie’s life must have been

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