
Discussion Questions For Night By Elie Wiesel

Decent Essays

Discussion Questions for Night 1. Elie’s mission is one of survival, for both his father and himself. The book describes his journey to freedom and the daily struggles he faced as a jew. Elie’s longevity, at the concentration camps, is a direct result of his fathers physical presence. After the departure of Elie’s father he says “since my father’s death, nothing mattered to me anymore”(Wiesel 113). Elie remains focused after his fathers passing and lives to tell his story. 2. Elie struggles to remain humane and hold true to his faith. While in the concentration camp Elie begins to question why God is allowing these horrendous acts to happen to his followers. One night while at dinner he angrily thinks “what are you, my God?”(Wiesel 66). Elie’s confusion and anger with God affects his emotions during his stay at the camp. . Elie is also troubled by his lack of proper nutrition, and at one point he describes himself by ”I was a body. Perhaps less than that even: a starved stomach”(Wiesel 50). This physically damages Elie’s body and lowers his chance at survival. …show more content…

A part of the book that captured my attention was when Elie’s dad, a strong religious leader, starts to cry. This shocks Elie and he says “It was the first time I saw him cry. I had never thought it was possible”(Wiesel 19). Another pivotal event came when Akiba Drumer, an extremely faithful person, loses all trust in God. This comes, as a direct result, from the horrible experiences he endured while in the concentration camps. Prior to Akiba Drumer losing his faith he preached “God is testing us”(Wiesel 45) and “We have no right to despair. And if he punishes us mercilessly, it is a sign that He loves us much more”(Wiesel 45). Both of these significantly poignant examples show how even the most faithful people, can eventually be broken in a concentration camp. It also speaks to the strength that This also proves how hard is was for Elie to survive in the concentration

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