
Essay on Changing Conceptions About What Emotion is

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Emotions are one of the most beautiful and complicated features of human species. Although, emotional changes of some other species are also known to us or even proven by scientific research, human emotion is so unique and irreplaceable that from time immemorial, former sages and ancient scholars have initiated continuous discussion about it.
A. A brief history of emotion before 19th century.
Early stage of research about emotion can be represented roughly by Aristotelian western philosophy and Confucian eastern philosophy.
1) Aristotelian European philosophers’s opinion
Before 20th century, people tend to have more qualitative and intuitive opinions about emotion; their social, culture and historical enviroments strongly influenced …show more content…

If I cannot have them both, I would choose the latter and forsake the former” Here, Mencius made people’s thirst for surviving logically make sense by analysing people’s emotional needing of living. Therefore, it’s not surprising to see that throughout thousands years of Chinese history, moral influence funtion always plays a more important role than logic and law.
B. 19th century was the time when emotion was gradually theorized.
Darwin’s ideas were a watershed in the discusions of emotion because his treatises on evolution and emotion introduced two ideas missing from most analyses written during the prior two centuries. He pointed out that infants have pretty similar emotional external performances with some animals. Based on his evolution theory, he came to the conclusion that same categories of reaction to emotion increase the chances of survival. He also suggested that emotions were localizable in brain activity because emotional states found expression in distinct arrangements of facial mscles provoked by a “nerve force.”
Another philosopher and psychologist who had systematically theorized human emotion in the late 19th century was John Dewey. Different from Darwin, who spent lots of time taking care of the measurement of muscles, Dewey conceptualized feelings by a much more philosophical approach. He divided emotional experiences into three categories: the organic

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