
Changing Instruction For Increase Achievement For Students With Moderate And Severe Intellectual Disabilities

Decent Essays

In the journal article, “Changing Instruction to Increase Achievement for Students with Moderate to Severe Intellectual Disabilities”, the author describes the strategies and skills that teachers can employ to make an instructional change in the classroom. As the author describes in the article, recognizing that an instructional change needs to be made, is different than having the skills to change the instruction. Educators are making great strides to cover the content demanded by the Common Core Standards, but often need support in adjusting the classroom instruction. One of the first methods to change instruction described in the article is task analysis. Task analysis instruction involves breaking learning tasks into smaller parts or steps and then teaching each of the steps or parts to the learner in sequence. Another instruction change described is backward and forward chaining. Similar to task analysis, backward and forward chaining involves teaching students step by step instruction, either beginning with the first step or starting with the last step. Students are required to meet specific criteria before being allowed to move on to the next step. The article also describes changes that can be made to the content of the curriculum, either to increase or decrease the complexity. Teachers may choose to utilize manipulatives, models, or even visual aids to assist students in understanding the content. Although the use of supports and models often aid in the

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