
Essay On Chaos And Transformational Disorder

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CHAOS AND MENTAL DISORDER In 1992 Freeman has suggested the use of complexity for the study of schizophrenia and mood instability in bipolar disorders. (Freeman, 1992). According to Freeman, chaos underlies the brain's ability to respond flexibly to the outside world and to generate a rich variety of patterns, including those that are experienced as new ideas. Chaos thus expresses the unpredictable underlying order of attractors and allows the complex behavior observed in the brain. The dynamics of the underlying attractor reconstructed from the EEG data by using the coordinates delay technique proved to be chaotic in nature. Preliminary results suggested that a separate chaotic attractor is maintained for each stimulation and perception act is constituted by phase …show more content…

This is correlated with changes in the spatiotemporal patterns of activity of chaotic systems (Freeman, 1999). Other studies suggest a relationship of chaotic dynamics with a wide range of cognitive phenomena connected with characteristic changes during the manifestations of mental disorders such as depression or schizophrenia (Gottschalk et al., 1995) (Barton, 1994) (Huber et al.,1999), (Korn & Faure, 2003), (Melancon et al., 2000), (Paulus & Braff, 2003). There are studies that attribute the chaotic transitions to dissociative states in psychopathology. They propose hypotheses relating the process of dissociation with the chaotic dynamics generated by discrete maps (Putnam, 1997). In another example, the chaotic transitions are related dissociative states in the brain (Bob, 2003; 2007) to be noted that transitions which occur in the activation of different sets of neurons obey patterns that can be identified with chaos. As a last example, not much different than the above, the comparison is made of the behavioral observations of individuals and not their

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