
Chapter 7 Summary

Decent Essays

Golden touches upon foreign racisms in chapter seven, and uses effective comparisons to emphasize and elaborate on his mocking tone and the overall purpose. Chapter seven convinces readers that American elite universities are denying the acceptance to most Asian-American and other foreign raced student candidates. University goals are to expand diversity and culture, but only foreign wealthy students from the top boarding schools around the world are being accepted to American colleges, some would suggest because of their money.
Most foreign students enrolled at U.S. universities come from wealthy families and pay full tuition. Many of them graduated from exclusive boarding schools or international schools overseas that cater to children of …show more content…

The description of these elite students modifies Golden’s mocking tone. He elaborates on the expensive fancy cars these rich children take to school. The BMW’s and Mercedes-Benzes justify how wealthy the students are, and Golden attempts to jab at their richness by making fun of their cars instead of describing the students as smart, dedicated, or invested in American culture. When these traits are compared to those of less fortunate students, the purpose is prompted. All that's mentioned about these applicants is that they are unable to afford tuition and not eligible for financial aid greatly decreasing their acceptance opportunities. The comparison highlights the differences among foreign applicants, which shows the reasons some are being accepted and other denied to American colleges. The main purpose of this chapter is to portray how colleges are denying the minority of foreign students, and only admitting those with wealth and power. Elite universities highjack their admissions offices and focus on financial status of incoming applicants. The juxtaposition helps produce the purpose because Golden describes each student's conditions contrasted with one another in order for readers to understand the cruelty behind American society, that wealth means power, not only affecting those in the United States applying for college, but also for foreign students attempting to obtain an education at the best known universities in the

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