
Chapter Summary: The Giver

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As the sled slowed Jonas had checked his surroundings and the first thing he glimpsed was a house with a smoky chimney, indicating someone was in fact in there. “Look Gabe we did it,” Jonas said still observing the small house. Now as he looked down at Jonas he realized he looked very pale and felt extremely cold. “OH NO! Did his memory of the warm sunny day wear of on him?” Jonas thought to himself. He called out Gabe’s name still no response, he even yelled in his ear, sobbing with tears for he knew what was really wrong, but denying the truth because the pain would be unbearable. Gabe was dead. Jonas finally accepted this. He never felt pain like this before, not even when the Giver gave him the most painful memories. His head ached from crying. His heart was broken. He took Gabe out of the community to prevent death. Now Jonas felt like his dad because he feels like he was accountable for Gabe’s death. “I brought him from death only for him to die,” sighed Gabe. …show more content…

He left Gabriel on the doorstep of the house, because he didn’t know what to do with Gabe’s lifeless body was pale and his body was extremely cold. In that moment Jonas was no longer sad or grieving, but now he was enraged. “AAHHHHH!” Jonas let out a barbaric scream showing his rage. The people in the house came out they saw Gabe’s lifeless body and tried to yell to Jonas to come back, but nothing could stop Jonas for what he was going to do. Jonas will head back to the community he does not care if the planes scout him because when they bring him back to the community he will release all the memories of pain and grief on the people of the community even the new memory he has of Gabe. “They will pay in sorrow and grief for that is what they have bestay upon me,” sincerely said

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