
Chapters Of Genesis

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The first two chapters of Genesis explain the chronicle events of the creation story. While there are yet, two accounts of the creation events within Genesis one and two, there is no contradiction. It proclaims a detail account of how God, the Source of creation, created everything. Genesis gives us our first glimpse into the characteristics and attributes of God, humankind and creation itself. When studying the first two chapters of Genesis we find several characteristics of God. The two characteristic I want to explore is: God as Creator & God of order. The events of creation story how God and God alone created of everything. Everything that God created was “good”. Another attribute of God is that He is a God of order. God systematically and sequentially created everything in it proper time and place. He created the heavens and earth before creating before making light. He also created the waters before He created the fish of the seas. He created everything that humankind would need before making humankind in His Image. God is a God of creation and order. Genesis also taught us about humankind. Humankind was created to be a relational being and to be a steward. God created humankind to be in relation with God and with each other. God …show more content…

As a way of God remaining a just God, he allowed an alternative to the Genesis account of creations. There are several contrasts between the two creation accounts. Some the fundamental differences are: order versus chaos, God who controlled emotions versus the emotions that control God’s, a covenant relation versus cunning and planning relation, man’s dominion versus man’s inhabitants. These differences are significant because of the direct contrast between the natures of both sets of God’s. The Babylonian of the creation story is in line with the beliefs of Idol god verse a Hebrew belief in

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