
Character Analysis: A View From The Bridge

Decent Essays

There is no wrong time to make the right decision. Eddie and his mother are having a small dispute about his decision on buying shoes. He feels that because every other student in his class has these shoes, he should have them to. The style he wants cost $170, which he has the money. On the other hand, his mother feels that he should not spend his allowance on these shoes. She feels that he would grow out of them, and that he shouldn’t spend his whole allowance on one pair of sneakers. Eddie’s decision on buying the shoes is not a bad idea, nor is it a good idea. He has his own money and really likes the shoes, but the shoes are pricey and will not last long. Through the letter, Eddie’s mom explains that the shoes cannot buy his happiness. Which is true, because after wearing them a while, they will become torn and old. Also, the shoes are nice and popular, but they are not going to be reliable for wear all the time. Eddies mom has a very antipathy feeling about him getting the shoes. She also feels that he should save his money to hang out with friends, rather than trying to please them. The letter states that she says, “Psychologists say that the kind of …show more content…

This reason may modify why he is so eager to buy the shoes. He is sanguine about his decision. It seemed as if he would expunge so much, for these one pair of shoes. He also has been saving money up and is now able to buy the shoes. Eddie feels left out knowing that many other students at school has the shoes. He also guarantees that the shoes will not fall apart. Eddies uses very cogent phrases to try to convince his mom to side with him. Even though Eddies mom is right about material things not lasting forever, he still feels he should get the shoes. He would much rather spend his money on material things that would make him happy at the moment, rather than any other

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