
Character Analysis: All Quiet On The Western Front

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World War I took a devastating toll, not only by dismantling numerous countries economically, but by crippling the millions of dutiful soldiers as well. These soldiers, devoid of any full understanding of the reason for this brutal war, destroyed their entire lives for the cause. All Quiet on the Western Front depicts the how World War I ultimately devastated Paul and his soldier friends, psychologically and physically.
Initially, the war is looked at as a patriotic duty, an honor. Paul explains how people in leadership positions, like his teacher, Kantorek, made being a soldier seem admirable, because “all of whom were convinced they were acting for the best—in a way that cost them nothing” (7). In sum, these people who encouraged the soldiers, …show more content…

He illustrates the mental transformation that the soldiers undergo during battle, saying, “By the animal instinct that is awakened in us…we reach the zone where the front begins and become on the instant human animals” (27). As soon as they hear gunshots, these young men go from being cheerful or gloomy, to pumping adrenaline, swelling fear, and the need to survive. In a war that isn’t tangible to them, that leaves them feeling useless like pegs on a game board, the only motivation they have is not dying. “We do not fight,” Paul explains, “we defend ourselves against annihilation” (48). At one point when he gets close enough in battle to see French soldiers—actual, touchable enemies—he then feels the anger and becomes violent. “We can see his face…we can oppose him; we feel a mad anger. No longer do we lie helpless” (54). Finally, Paul cannot take the loss of his close friends. Some of them lose their legs, and the majority of them die in front of his very eyes. Just witnessing even the enemy’s death is overwhelming. Hence, the men turn off all feelings, for the burden is simply too much to carry. “We have lost all feeling for one another…We are insensible, dead men, who through some trick, some dreadful magic, are still able to run and to kill”

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