
Character Analysis : Critical Analysis Of Moby Dick

Decent Essays

Analysis Essay on Moby Dick by Hermon Melville In the fictional story of Moby Dick, the author takes us through his many moods and incessant obsessions. Having read the story of the author, before reading Moby Dick, I can see the correlating facets of his mental state, throughout his life. It would seem he has integrated these into his fictional characterizations. The author seems to be portraying himself as Captain Ahab, and the Great White Whale, Moby Dick is characterizing the parts in his life where he lost everything in his childhood and his feelings of failure with his family. The author went to work on whaling ships in his teens. Working on the whaling ships unleashed his many feelings of life. The feelings and actions captured and portrayed in the story are from the author's reflections of suffering obssesive thoughts, melancholy, hatred, vengeance, and selfishness and later acceptance to his place in the world at large. The author starts us on a inconsequential whaling trip where everyone is doing their normal activity, when all of a sudden Captain Ahab, who has been pacing in deep thought, decides to change the course of the lives of everyone on board. The author goes into great detail describing the worn wood with embedded footprints from all night pacing and incessant thoughts of Captain Ahab. I can sense the feelings and actions of the author as a teen, pondering his direction and choices in life. The worry and

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