
Character Analysis In Grand Torino By Clint Eastwood

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Grand Tornio begins as Clint Eastwood, taking on the character Walt Kowalski an unhappy military veteran in which his wife had just passed away. Walt attempts to reconnect with his children but he realizes their selfish and lack compassion for others. His family doesn’t understand bravery nor hardships that he has overcome in the past. In Grand Torino, Eastwood conveys a sense of aspiration throughout the movie, while developing strong relations between his neighbors.
One connection Walt makes with his neighbors is that they are passionate for using ethical reasoning. For example in Grand Torino, Thao helped Mrs.V. by picking up her groceries, after some neighborhood kids were being disrespectful. After this Walt said “How about that”, the particular scene shows Eastwood has some type of aspiration for society, which this actually makes him joyful for the boy because most people would have been spectating and would have ignored the situation. Additionally, this depicts that Thao has concern for others and doesn’t just pressure into everyone else’s opinion. Clint Eastwood reveals that he has a sense of compassion in Grand Torino. For example, he felt a desire to save Sue from the neighborhood gang. Eastwood demonstrates a comparison through the character he plays and the Hmong family. The Hmong Family believed it was moral to provide punishment. Walt can be perceived as old fashion when he says he’s “old school”. In Grand Torino, Thao got punished for trying to steal Walt’s

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