
Character Analysis Of Fish In A Tree

Decent Essays

After reading Fish In A Tree by Lynda Mullaly Hunt, I have learned that Ally is a dynamic character. At the beginning of the book, Ally is stubborn. Eventually, Ally becomes brave through the middle of the story. At the very end of the story, Ally becomes confident. These character traits were observed through Ally’s actions, dialogue, relationships, choices and problems. I have learned that the main character Ally is to never give up and don’t let anyone bug you. Meaning don’t let anyone bully you or make you want to give up. Whenever I want to give up, I think of the book Fish In A Tree and how Ally never gave up and was brave to stand up for her friends.
According to the beginning chapters of Fish In A Tree, Ally is very stubborn at the very beginning of the book. I have learned through Ally’s actions and choices that she is stubborn.t Ally then has to go through some tough moments and decisions to change throughout the rest of the story. Ally accidentally gives Mrs.Hall a sympathy card instead of a baby shower card because she cannot read. Mrs.Silver and Mrs.Hall get mad at her because they didn't know that Ally could not read. Some of the kids would make fun of her because Ally can’t read in 5th grade.When Ally was given the choice of staying after school with Mr.Daniels to help her read and she made the choice to say no because …show more content…

At the beginning of the book, the Ally is stubborn, eventually, Ally becomes brave and confident. These character traits were observed through Ally’s actions, dialogue, relationships, choices, and problems.I learned to stay strong through the hardest moments because at the end of every rainstorm there's a rainbow eventually. Ally and I have a connection because whenever something happens, I am embarrassed to tell people about the event that has happened in my life like ally has dyslexia and she doesn’t want to tell

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