
Character Analysis Of Rex Walls In The Glass Castle

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Any man that has children has the responsibility to be the best role model they can be. Been the best role model for a child is going to shaped how that child is going to be when they become an adult. But, if they are bad role model to their children, then, the children's future would not turn out to be successful, but very few can be successful. In the novel, The Glass Castle, by Jeannette Walls, Rex, Jeannette’s father, is an unsympathetic character because of his horrible example to his children. This can be viewed throughout the book because he is an alcoholic, uncaring, and selfish person. Rex is a very irresponsible person that only very few can relate. Rex Walls is an unsympathetic character in the novel and this is evident in his …show more content…

For example, when Jeannette was three years old, she was cooking hot dogs in the barbecue and got burned. Since she got burned, her mother, Rose Mary, brought her to the hospital. In the hospital, Jeannette started to get better but when it was time for the family to visit, Rex started to get mad and started to talk about how everything that doctors do in wrong and Jeannette should had gone to a witch doctor. He got so irritated about the hospital’s doctor that later that day at night, he decided to sneak in the hospital and take Jeannette out of the hospital because he believed that the doctor were not doing anything good for his daughter. Another example is “If you want to sink, you better figure out how to swim” (66). He said this because when the family went to Hot Pot, a sulfur spring of water in a desert that was hot, to get warm in the winter, everyone got in and started to swim except Jeannette because she didn’t knew how to swim and had a little fear of the water so this was Rex’s way of teaching Jeannette, his favorite daughter, how to swim. He started to throw her in the spring and obviously, she started to sink and when she found a way to get out of the spring, her father threw her again until she started to swim. The only problem with his way of thinking is that the deeper Jeannette went the hotter the spring got, which the temperature could have killed Jeannette. Another …show more content…

For example, “I swear, honey, there are times when I think you’re the only one around who still has faith in me. I don’t know what I’d ever do if you ever lost its” (78-79). He says this to Jeannette because he feels that no one understands him except Jeannette because she is the only that forgives him and tries to keep him happy while the others do not do that. Because of Jeannette’s forgiveness, he tells her that she is her favorite child out of the other children. This makes him a selfish man because he only favorites Jeannette because of her forgiveness, while the other do not, which shows that he does not respect his other children just because they do not forgive him like Jeannette does. Another example is that it does not matter if they had money or not he will spend almost all of it in parts for The Propector, a machine that Rex is building that will help look for gold. This proves that all he cares about is the machine, not the family which are the ones that need the money for food and resources to maintain a stable life and to survive. Another example that his selfish behaviors are seen is that the few times they had enough money to survive, he always decided to take the family to Las Vegas, to spent almost the whole time in the casino, to use the money on the machine to see if they win money, which most of the time you don’t win money. This shows

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