
Character Analysis: The Color Of Water

Decent Essays

In the story, The Color of Water, there are two main characters telling the story. The first character that is introduced is Ruth. Ruth is the mother of 12 children. She’s Jewish living in America. She lives with in a black neighborhood in Queens. The second character that’s introduced is James. He is the son of Ruth. In the beginning of the story James is stating he was a kindergartener. In the second chapter James stepdad is introduced. Hunter Jordan was a classy seventy-two year old man. Hunter Jordan was a strong easygoing stepfather, that died of a stroke. Ruth and James both dealt with their grief in complete opposite ways. To begin with, James dealt with it by being a delinquent. He stole purses, shoplifted, and even robbed a drug dealer. As an example, “I snatched purses. I …show more content…

I even robbed a petty drug dealer once”(McBride 6). James has started going down the wrong path in life. He James also, dropped out of high school and failed out of all his classes. For instance, when James stated “I virtually dropped out of high school after he died, failing every class” (McBride 6). There are many ways he could have handled the death, but he chose to become a delinquent. Next, Ruth dealt with pain by riding her bike all through the black neighborhood being nonchalant. She started drinking her tea out a glass cup. For example, “I always thought my mother was strange. She never cared to socialize with our neighbors. Her past was a mystery she refused to discuss. She drank tea out of a glass” (McBride 9). Ruth started acting very different when James’s stepfather died. She became a whole new person. Ruth didn’t care what anyone thought of her. She wouldn’t pay her neighbors any attention. “She would ride in slow motion across our street, Murdock Avenue in the St. Albans section of Queens, the only white person in sight as cars swerved around her and black motorists gawked at the strange, middle-aged white lady riding her ancient bicycle” (McBride

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