
Character Analysis: Their Eyes Were Watching God

Decent Essays

Janie’s first marriage was to a wealthy farm man that her nanny picked out, his name is Logan Killicks. Marrying Logan was her opportunity of escaping the wits of becoming a “mule” like her Nanny said,” De nigger woman is de mule uh de world so fur as ah can see. Ah been prayin’ fuh it to be different wid you.” Janie never really “loved” Logan Nanny told her the love will come she just have to wait, that never happened thus she left Logan for Joe Starks who also is known as Jody, her second husband. Jody was wealthy just like Logan, Jody was a man with a plan to become mayor. He was a power hungry man to show who's dominate he’d emotionally and physically abused Janie Logan never put his hands on her like that. It was just fine at first but after he got power he didn’t allow her to show her hair he forced her to wear a hair a scarf, and forbid her from joining the porch debates/conversations at the shop, Janie remain submissive she would hold her tongue. …show more content…

Jody dies and Janie couldn’t contain how ecstatic she was, Jody was holding her wings down after he died she could raise and be a free bird. A man named Vergible Woods but Teacakes for short what differs Teacakes from her last two husbands was no one ever treated Janie the way she wanted to be treated Teacakes did also Teacakes was poor the others were rich. I think Teacakes was the man she truly loved and wanted, he didn’t have wealth or power to be selfish over so he wasn’t a tyrant. Teacake did beat her once when Janie was associated with Mrs.Turner, Mrs.Turner wanted Janie to marry her brother when he came to town Teacakes beat her to show who's in control it didn't phase Janie not one

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