
Character Analysis Victor Frankenstein

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Character Analysis
Victor Frankenstein is by far the most profound character that leads the plot of the story. Victor grows up in Geneva reading works of remarkable and intelligent alchemists to understand more about the secrets of life. This gradually affects him during his attendance in university at Ingolstadt, where he learns and masters all the teaches his professors have to give him. Victor becomes intrigued with the “secrets of heaven and earth,” (Shelley 33). While he is the protagonist of the story, he narrates the events from his own point of view. From his happiness and joy of creating a living being to his regret and demise to kill the monster. While studying in Ingolstadt, Frankenstein discovers the truth and hideous of life. He creates a grotesque monster that …show more content…

Frankenstein came through many hardships to destroy the monster, including the death of himself, his loved ones, and innocent people who did not deserve to die. All the burden and deaths of the people fell onto Frankenstein’s shoulders. Victor’s goal was to defy the natural process of human life and in the end he met his demise. Victor Frankenstein grew up as a remarkably intelligent man with wealthy parents and a healthy lifestyle. Frankenstein undoubtedly believes that he must fix his mistake and goes on a journey to find and kill the monster; however, every clue and every close encounter ends with someone not involved dying. Victor tries his hardest to keep the existence of the monster as a secret but fails when too many of injustices happen. As time goes on his feeling of guilt and remorse expands and cannot prevent the disaster that will happen. “I was tempted to plunge into the silent lake, that the waters might close over me and my calamities forever” (Shelley 81). Frankenstein is resorting to suicide to rid all his problems and fear that he must deal with. He believes that he can save himself from misery by ending his life. Little did he know that the monster will be

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