
Character Changes In The Novel : Kim By Rudyard Kipling

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In the novel, Kim by Rudyard Kipling, the main character Kimball (Kim) O’Hara changes tremendously despite the fact that he began as a deceitful orphan, he gains wisdom and compassion, and helps his state by becoming an agent for the government. During Kim’s life, his skin darkened from the hot Indian sun, especially when he had a light colored skin. Repeatedly, Kim, known as an orphan, because his mother died, and his father's ultimate demise, began as an accidental overdose of opium. While Kim played in front of the Wonder House, a local museum, he met the lama, a Tibetan Buddhist from the north, later they become great friends. Kim said to the lama “I know the people of this city-all who are charitable” (22). Kim often capitalized on the fact that he started as an orphan. He made people guilty so that they would offer him money or food. Kim’s drunken father said, “‘there will come for you [referring to Kim] a great Red Bull on a green field…” (5), with a Colonel riding it, that Kim will find. Kim figured out one word to describe the Red Bull, evil. As a result, Kim hated his father’s prophecy and never wanted it. Frankly, Kim and the lama, wanted the finest life for each other, so the lama paid 300 “rupees” for Kim, he wanted the best education for Kim, and Kim changed to the finest man, and this man, Kim helped the lama greatly to the river. The lama told Kim his quest to find the arrow that Buddha shot from his bow. Wherever the arrow landed, a river would spring up,

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