
How Is Hagar Shipley An Unlikeable Character

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Pride of Living

It is difficult for the reader to take an objective view of the characters in this novel, particularly Hagar Shipley, because of the first-person nature of the story. Furthermore, it is also impossible not to dislike Hagar at times because of her detachment from the things that could bring her happiness. Hagar suffers from dysthymia, she is a victim of relational and social distance. Her past was not in her favor when contributing to her emotionally-distant future.

Hagar is portrayed as an “unlikeable character” being blinded by pride, and just overly bitter. While she may not be the hero or the villain (due to this type of story not having a demand of good vs evil) it does make the story more believable. In real life, there is no black and white when I come to personalities. Her personality may well be reflected as unpleasant at times but it does not necessarily make her a “bad person.” She cannot be described as the antagonist nor protagonist. In many instances, she displays actions of disapproval towards almost everyone in her life this is frustrating to readers at times because what is leading her to her unhappiness can easily be solved by a slight change in character. Hagar is in constant denial of her actions and the consequences that come with it.

Hagar is blind to her own faults. Stubborn and resentful of everyone around her and won’t let herself be happy and yet Hagar is the kind of character you root for, she strives for independence which no

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