
Characteristics Of A Creative Person

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Construct your answers to the above questions (What does a creative person look like? What are the creative processes used by creative people? Can creativity be developed?).
What does a creative person look like?
Creative people are artist, poets, musicians, writers, researchers, business people, and scientist.
The big five model of personality traits: openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. Openness uses the imagination to create situations, experiences, and ideas. Conscientiousness is a disposition of organized, orderly, punctual, and detail oriented. Extraversion is looking for social situations, thrilling experiences, and generally happy. Agreeableness is a warm, friendly, and trusting disposition. Neuroticism is a negative emotions from experience such as anxiety, fear, sadness, and depression. The big five model goes from low to high as poles of opposition. The personality traits have an influence on behavior of individuals. The connection between the traits, behavior, and creativity is characterized by two key components. The components are that personality separates us from one another, which makes us unique and enduring or consistent to the individuals. In other words, personality endures to how individuals think, act, and feel. The creativity is thoughts or behaviors that are original and meaningful.
Biology and personality are tie with the following functions:
Genetic and epigenetic influences on

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