
Characteristics Of An Epic Hero

Decent Essays

What are the characteristics of an epic hero or heroine? Who would you consider a hero or heroine? There are a few qualities that should be taken into consideration when asking: “What makes an epic hero an epic hero?”Whitney Houston was an epic hero in a lot of ways.Whitney Houston embodies the characteristics of an epic hero because she exhibited humility, experienced different landscapes in life, and even with all her wonderful traits, battled one of the worst monsters in history. Whitney Houston was a very contributing and considerate person. Her humility was one that could not easily be acquired.Houston was especially devoted to children as she founded the “Whitney Houston Foundation for Children, a nonprofit organization that funds projects to help needy children over the world.” (Whitney” 36-38). This foundation was specifically for homeless children with cancer and AIDS(“Whitney”11). Houston was empowered to be of help with the struggles that went on in the real world and she did her best to try and help with the problems. Whitney Houston was a person who liked to help others out, and her foundation was proof of her humility. However, before she could aid anyone, she had to reach stardom first. Houston wasn’t always a pop-star. Before she was the Queen of Pop, she sang gospel music in her mother’s choir at New Hope Baptist Church. She felt very encouraged by the congregation of New Hope Baptist church. Houston was encouraged by her church’s congregation the most and

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