
Characteristics Of Feudal Monarchs

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During the High Middle Ages, feudal monarchs began to exercise royal authority. Some succeeded in centralizing power and built the framework for nation-states, for example, Britain and France. Monarchs play the highest economic role or social hierarchy under the priest. King John, for example, was a clever, cruel and untrustworthy ruler. He caused challenges for his economy by creating enemies with other rulers such as King Philip II, and Pope Innocent III. He even turned away his own English nobles. John suffered his first setback when he lost a war with King Philip II. He had to give up his land in both Anjou and Normandy. John then battled with Pope Innocent III over selecting a new archbishop of Canterbury. He rejected the pope’s nominee. This led to the pope excluding and preventing him and his entire kingdom from participating in church services. John had to accept England as a fief of the papacy and pay a yearly fee to Rome. On the other hand, a potential benefit was the Magna Carta. It was a document John was forced to sign. It affirmed a long list of feudal rights that gave rights to the towns people. It would also shape political and legal traditions in England. Furthermore, it made it clear that the monarch must obey the law.


Nobles could both be men or women. Their economic role is directly under the monarch and side by side with the clergy. Noblemen balanced an interesting combination of activities and responsibilities throughout their daily

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