
Characteristics Of Intellectual Disability And Strategies

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Characteristics of Intellectual Disability and Strategies to Teach Individuals with ID When working with students with intellectual disabilities (ID), there are a few things that every educator should keep in mind. To help better understand the characteristics of ID and the strategies use to work with and teach students with ID, an IEP meeting for a little girl with ID was attended, and an interview was conducted with a local teacher who has worked in the field for over twenty years. Cathy Eichelberger, or Mrs. Ike, as she is also known by has been a source of inspiration and encouragement in regards to her work as a special education teacher. This is an educator who has been tested by her students on a daily bases, and yet still brings a …show more content…

This kind of thing can provide a child’s parents/guardians and their siblings with moral or emotional supports (Downing, 2010; Hardman et al., 2013). Knowing that they have these supports can make families feel more confident when interacting and working with the child who has an ID. Another thing Mrs. Ike believes to be important is finding the best ways to keep parents and guardians informed about how well their child with ID is doing. Mrs. Ike appreciates the fact that the school sends home progress reports and report cards for every child to ensure families are able to stay informed. Moreover, the implementation of parent teacher conferences, as well as IEP meetings are also considered great tools in helping families know how a child is doing. However, these are not done frequently, and they often cover little ground and much can be missed or not addressed (Downing, 2010; Hardman et al., 2013). This is why Mrs. Ike keeps ongoing verbal and nonverbal communications with families throughout the year. If a parent/guardian wants to speak with her or needs to be informed of something, then she will set up a time to speak with a family face to face, or over the phone. Additionally, she will implement written forms of contact via email, or letters sent home. This is one way Mrs. Ike helps keep parents informed outside of school scheduled conferences and reports. Mrs. Ike suggests that a vital part of gathering information to share with families

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