
Characteristics Of National Honor Society

Decent Essays

The National Honors Society has four necessary qualities, that if done correctly are the pillars of success. Scholastic accomplishments shows how involved in learning a person is. Those that are more involved often have more accomplishments. Everyone has strengths in their personality. Those strengths makes a person unique and helps them become a contributing never of society. National Honors Society is a group of community leaders that bring out the best of others in their community. Helping others is an important aspect because in order to be a good leader, it is necessary to help others. I believe I am an exceptional candidate for membership due to my academic accomplishments from childhood to modernity, my personality that includes empathy, creativity, and belief nothing is impossible; my leadership skills shown through directing, and helping the community through reaching out to the next generations. First of the National Societies necessary qualities is scholastic accomplishments. From a young age I began becoming very involved in my learning and flew over my peers. I was part of a gifted and talented program during third grade due to my capability to read at an eighth grade level. As I went through middle school, my talents continued to flourish. I had the opportunity to skip eighth grade that I opted out of, and instead took Lyndon Institute’s eighth grade Algebra one program with Mr. Ulrich. During High School, my artist talent began to show, but I also took AP

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