
Characteristics Of The Military Family

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While no relationship is easy or perfect, being in a relationship where one or both individuals serve in the military makes it even harder to sustain a successful relationship. For this assignment, we will explore unique characteristics of the Military Family, Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage, including the role of Military Spouses. Military Family Although the military family unit comes with a great deal of pride it does not come at a small cost. Per Hall, “family readiness is essential to unit readiness (Hall, 2016, p.71)”. What is family readiness? Well this is the “family’s ability to adapt to and deal with the stressors associated with military danger and a military life style, such as frequent moves, deployments, unaccompanied tours, and overseas assignments (Adler-Baeder & Pittman, 2005, p.5) (Hall, 2016, p.71)”. All of these can cause a strain on anyone. As a result there are many support programs for families and spouses to help them better cope with things such as deployments, the secrecy, isolation, alienation is a tough thing for families to struggle through and the military obligation itself.
Secrecy, isolation, and alienation is the quickest thing to break trust within a family and we all know trust is the hardest thing to rebuild. The unknown is the scariest thing because it is in our nature to let our imagination get the best of us. Families tend to start feeling that they’ve been pushed aside and have been doing everything alone so why not be

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