
Characterization Of Don Quixote

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In correlation of how Don Quixote relates to Clary Fray and the Mortal Instruments series, these are the explanation of themes and characterization of Don Quixote. As heroes go, Don Quixote is really a parody: he is delusional and goes on a guest thing he really is something but realistically his suit is made of rusted armor and trash. His horse, Rocinante, is an old steed. He is a tragic hero, goes on adventures just on the belief of how people will remember his adventures. Delusion is another one of the major themes that take place within this novel. The books that he received during novel were the books of Chivalry have left him with the inability to see reality. Later, in book I, he argues that the idealization of what would make a person an ideal person. Don Quixote is definitely "in the pursuit of ideals," old chivalric ideals that were no longer the mode in his society. At the same time, the characterization of Quixote is rather complex. For an innocent, Quixote certainly causes a good amount of damage‹if Quixote is a hero, he is not an ordinary hero. Andres suffers far more than he would have, had Don Quixote never 'come to the rescue.' Throughout Book I, Don Quixote reveals himself to be both impatient and violent. Three themes that are like the Mortal Instruments take place within Don Quixote are deception, manipulation and strategy. Within Book 1, Quixote was deceived by a variety of people for instance; the priest, the barber, his housekeeper, his niece, Cardenio

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