
The Ego And Ill Advised Endeavors : The Antics Of Cervantes ' Don Quixote

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The Alter Ego and Ill-Advised Endeavors:
The Antics of Cervantes’ Don Quixote

Over the course of this semester, students of World Masterpieces by Amanda Drake have learned about “othering” and anti-heroism. Many of the central characters in the stories and plays that were assigned, exemplified anti heroism and othering. Anti-Heroes, by definition, are typically main characters of a story, play or movie, which lack classic “heroic” traits. Due to these characters lacking heroic traits, they are othered by society and peers, making these characters outcasts.
One specific example of othering and anti-heroism is Don Quixote in Don Quixote, written by Miguel de Cervantes. Don Quixote is an older man who strives for nobility and knighthood; …show more content…

Although the story never mentioned fever or intoxication, the story did mention restlessness, illusions and incoherence of thought and speech. Delirium is common amongst the elderly, and in many cases, avoidable.
An example of Quixote’s possible delirium is displayed when he is approaching the giant windmills, thinking that they are giants that he plans to slay. His sidekick, Sancho, attempts to help Quixote understand that they are not giants; but gives up and allows him to charge the windmills.
“...he/charged at Rocinante 's fullest gallop and fell upon the first mill that stood in front of him;/but as he drove his lance-point into the sail the wind whirled it round with such force/that it shivered the lance to pieces, sweeping with it horse and rider, who went rolling/over on the plain, in a sorry condition.” (pg. 77, Cervantes). Just as this quotation demonstrates, Quixote has complete disregard for Sancho’s advice, thinking himself of stable mind. His foolishness that is portrayed in this instance could be seen as a symptom of delirium.
Another case in which Quixote displayed symptoms of delirium when he is first returned to his home by the plowman. No one had known where he had gone to, simply because he got up and left. Quixote’s niece had figured that he had gone on some “knightly” adventure, but had not realized that he had gone mad. ““Hold!” said he, “for I am badly wounded through my horse 's fault; carry me to bed, and/if possible send for the wise

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