
Charles Spurgeon Essay

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Arvin D. Medlock PLED 350 BO2 7/1/2011 Book Report on Lectures for My Students By: Charles Spurgeon In chapter one of “Lectures To My Students” Spurgeon is debating the point that men seeking to become ministers must first be saved. His emphasis in this chapter that men need to be examine by themselves to ensure that they belong to Christ and are one of his children. He also points outs that all ministers preacher or pastor must first be a example to what they are preaching. They must practice what they preach. When you look at chapter 3 Spurgeon points out that a pastor must be a man who stays in constant prayer daily. He ought to pray more than the people he is leading. He further argues that a devoted prayer life will empower …show more content…

He also gives us various examples that can weaken passion, He tells pastors to continue being passionate because of the love of Christ alone. He concludes this section offering pastors advice to keep the flame going. Evaluation In this book, Charles Spurgeon offers grea insight on biblical and practical ways for pastors to begin and sustain his ministry for the glory of God. He both encourages men to pastoral ministry and discourage men from pastoral ministry. As I read this book I see Spurgeon taking it upon his self as if he considers it his duty to tell the truth of the Scriptures to each of his students and to give them advice to help them flourish in ministry with such high recognition and submission for the Word of God, Spurgeon's has a high view of the Scriptures as authoritative with clear visible message. Spurgeon in the book offers much practical advice all preacher even those who do not value his completely will still benefit from this book; for, Spurgeon is clearly "the prince of preachers which he is known as across the world. Although he writing this book Spurgeon seem to have some subjective concerns. In chapter 6, Spurgeon explains how pastors should select a scripture to preach. He emphases that God will reveal to pastors what scripture or scriptures to preach. Spurgeon says that a pastor needs to be observant of his congregation to discern and get a better understanding of where the people is so that he can

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