
Charley Cooley Theory

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Charles Horton Cooley and the Looking-glass Self Charles Herbert Cooley was an interactionist because of his idea that people are shaped by society. He is most known for his idea of the looking-glass self (Columbia Electronic Encylopedia, 6th Edition). The looking-glass self explains as how individuals see themselves the way others view them. Cooley believed there is a connection between the individual and social consciousness because the individual was always aware of the social presence (Cooley). Although the looking-glass self theory was developed by Cooley, it is evident that this interaction between the individual and social consciousness has been present throughout history. Cooley made these observations more than 100 years ago, the concept remains applicable today. In today’s society, people seem to be more aware of them the way others see them. Social media has given a larger forum for individuals to reveal how they view someone. Cyber-bullying and criticism through this online human interaction affect how a person views himself or herself, and leads to low self-esteem and other sociological issues. This seems to be more prevalent among teens. Charles Herbert Cooley was born in 1864 in Ann Arbor, Michigan, the son of a Supreme Court Justice. As a child, he was not popular with other children, due to his poor health, stature, and speech impediment (Winterer). His interest in mental health increased as he spent time alone. “Although Cooley had isolated himself from

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