
Charlie's Early Life Analysis

Decent Essays

Despite his intellectual and emotional growth, Charlie’s later life was impacted in dramatic ways by his childhood. Charlie’s mother, Rose, had methods of conditioning for Charlie when he was growing up. Nevertheless, these methods of conditioning would influence Charlie’s later thoughts and actions.Rose would beat Charlie for being incapable of living a normal life. Her one goal in life was for Charlie to fit in with the other children. “He’s better off dead. He’ll never be able to live a normal life.” This would become significant in Charlie’s life by making him determined to learn, associating learning with punishment, and acting uncomfortable around women. Due to his early childhood conditioning, Charlie was determined to be able to learn to read and write. Charlie was motivated to learn because he thought that if he were smart, he would have more friends.“I just want to be smart like other people so I can have lots of friends who like me.” Moreover, during Charlie’s childhood, his mother tried everything to make Charlie intelligent. “Don’t tell me there’s nothing they can do. He’s going to be …show more content…

Charlie sees women as being connected to punishment. Growing up, if Charlie would even look at a woman, he would be disciplined. This caused problems for Charlie because it was hard for him to express love and compassion to a woman. He viewed doing anything with a woman or even just glancing at a woman as being an wicked undertaking. The way Charlie was raised, interacting with a woman in any manner, even by simply looking at her, would result in punishment. “I pictured myself being caught by this eager mob and beaten and torn by them. I deserved it. I almost wanted it.” Even by not doing anything unethical, Charlie wanted and knew he should be punished for interacting with a woman. As a consequence of this conditioning, Charlie remained uncomfortable around women throughout his

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