
Charlie Gordon Flowers For Algernon Analysis

Decent Essays

Flowers for Algernon Essay Charlie Gordon is a thirty three year old mentally retarded man who is chosen by a team of neurologist scientist to undergo an operation. The operation is designed to enhance Charlie’s intelligence although it has only been tested on a mouse by the name of Algernon, and has yet to be proven successful. He is recomended this operation by his teacher Alice Kennan who teaches mentally disabled adults at Beekman College For Retarded Adults. Throughout the story, the reader sees Charlie’s mental process beginning to develop through the progress reports Dr Stratus and Professor Nemur has provided Charlie to write. As Charlie begins to become aware of his intelligence increasing , he gradually starts to notice the different treatment he begins to receive from long time “friends”. Charlie Gordon’s conflict with how he must contend with some aspects of his past teaches the reader the importance of learning about oneself through Charle changing his lifestyle and identity in a diminutive amount of time. Throughout the story, Charlie begins to have flashbacks of his past life as a child. He starts to recollect childhood memories and begins to recall his mother Rose, his father Matt, and his sister Norma. Throughout these childhood memories, Charlie starts to realize how emotionally …show more content…

Throughout this event, Charlie learns that his family will never really be a genuine caring family. He also learns that his mother will never accept him for who he really

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