
Chekhov's Portrayal of Women

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Chekhov's portrayal of women

The stories of Anton Chekhov mark a focal moment in European fiction. This is the point where 19th realist caucus of the short stories started their transformation into modern form. As such, his work straddles two traditions. The first is that of the anti-romantic realism which has a sharp observation of external social detail. It has human behavior conveyed within tight plot. The second is the modern psychological realism in which the action in typically internal and expressed in associative narrative that is built on epiphanic moments. In consideration of the two sides, Chekhov developed powerful personal styles that presage modernism without losing traditional frills of the form. This essay will discuss the Chekhov's portrayal of women.
Chekhov in The Name-Day Party focuses on Olga and her relationship with her husband, Chekhov appreciation for women is portrayed (Finke, 2005). Chekhov’s work maintains a continuity of appreciation for the endurance and humaneness of women in the face of afflicted and patriarchal prejudice that fits in this feminist-oriented era. Chekhov, though not liberal or conservative politically have rejected all theories that generalize about life. Chekhov instead has put his faith in the people. On another case, the central female characters in The Lady with the Dog have been portrayed in comparable manner. Dmitri’s wife and Anna are portrayed in same light. They are

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